Our Yoga Classes
While all of the classes have the potential to energise, strengthen and leave you feeling calm, some classes emphasise one element more than the others. I will meet the needs of the student through the provision of a tailored variations through the poses, to meet specific goals and ambitions. Whatever your personal yoga journey, I can help you get there safely and progressively regardless of your level of ability. Feel free contact me to chat through.
Introduction to Yoga
In the Intro to Yoga Course, we help you achieve the basic yoga poses working around Spine Flexibility and Alignment. You will learn Twisting, forward bending, back bending and Lateral Stretches throughout your course. For new students, their pace of practice may be varied differentiating between the common Hatha Yoga style when postures are held versus a Dynamic style. Core strength, Balance and Stability will also be explored.
Flow Light & Slow
The class will satisfy our need to move but in more mindful slow down way. Stretching, whilst becoming more aware of the breath and the present moment. The poses will increase flexibility and hydrate and soften the fascia. We move in and out of poses slowly, with a strong focus on safe alignment and breath. Practicing Light & Slow yoga, will allow you to develop strength, mindfulness and flexibility over time. There will be extra attention to detail, with occasional hands on assists, helping you to find a little more ease and comfort in your practice.
The Yin-yoga “Yin” describes the movements that primarily stretch fascia (connective tissue). The muscles remain relaxed and the postures are held for several minutes. This practice increases flexibility and range of movement. The increased length of hold allows for a more meditative practice, with an increased focus on the breath.
Gentle yoga offers nurturing, kindness, and compassion for the body, regardless of whether a student is injured or healthy, young or old. Gentle yoga moves slowly and mindfully—allowing every student to move safely into each pose, with sufficient time to employ props and make adjustments. In gentle yoga there isn't energetic transitioning from standing to sitting and back to allow for a smoother experience.
In Mum2B we use pregnancy guided relaxation and visualisations as well as some labour preparation techniques. The class is structured to ensure a gentle warm up prior to practising poses which will work with your ever changing body, to give you more space in the torso, back and hips. You'll find the all the Standing and Seated postures are designed to build strength around a specific theme each week.
This four week FEDANT accredited course focuses on new Mums and their Postnatal recovery. We work on our mats on targeted areas gently but firmly, building core and pelvis strength, posture and taking care of your back and spine and releasing tension in the upper back. This class is suitable for all Mums in postnatal recovery with a newborn baby of minimum 8-10 weeks of age to about crawling stage to 9 months. No experience necessary! If this is your first encounter with Yoga, no problem
Rest & Renew
Ran as a two hour workshop, like most yoga styles, which gradually increase the heart rate and bring heat to the body through a continuous sequence of movement, Restorative Yoga does the opposite. You maintain the postures for longer periods of time. Generally, yoga props—bricks, straps, and blankets—are utilised to aid you in finding the most comfortable position possible.
Though there are different styles of Restorative Yoga, the premise behind the practice remains the same: to relax and heal the body through meditative, low-intensity movement.
Increased flexibility through passive stretching
Increased muscular recovery (especially after hard workouts)
Improved mood states
Boosted immune system
Developed sense of self-confidence, compassion, and appreciation
Calmed thoughts
Decreased heart rate and blood pressure
Yin Time
Our life styles tend to be very “Yang” – always busy, always striving! We are conditioned to try harder and do better! Therefore, there is a need to balance these Yang qualities with a Yin practice. This two and half hour workshop will aim to demonstrate the benefit of slowing down and stretching, whilst becoming more aware of the breath and the present moment. It is an excellent opportunity for those who are not used to sitting for a formal meditation, as Yin really is meditation within the poses. Physically the Yin poses will increase flexibility and hydrate and soften the fascia (connective tissue which gives us our shape, holds all our body parts in place, and conducts electrical messages from one body part to another). The fascia hardens with age, and atrophies with lack of use, in the same way as the muscles, so physically it is important to work both of these components.
Yoga with a Partner
The purpose of partner is to deepen and expand your yoga practice (in more ways than one!). Partner yoga poses work mainly by adding resistance. Your muscles can relax and stretch while your partner’s resistance help your limbs stay in the pose. Because of your partner’s help, you’ll be able to try new poses and find deeper expressions of familiar poses. You’ll challenge yourself physically and emotionally by putting your body in another person’s hands. Working together leads to bonding and tests your ability to trust.
Partner Yoga can be for everyone when practiced appropriately; you’ll just want to make sure your teacher is aware of any injuries or medical conditions you have.
Most partner poses are unexpectedly accessible, no matter your age or size. Some poses are easier when the partners are similar in height, but you’ll be surprised how much weight our bodies can support. This three hour workshop will fly by as we have fun along the way!